CorporateMarch 24, 2017

Tour Our First Spanish-Language Call Center and Apply for a Job

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Today our Chairman and CEO Tom Rutledge announced the opening of our first Spectrum Spanish-language call center, which will be located in McAllen, Texas.​

The announcement was made in the White House Oval Office with President Donald J. Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

The bilingual call center, which will handle customer service calls in English and Spanish, will become operational next month. It will eventually employ 600 Americans, continuing our commitment to add 20,000 U.S. jobs over the next four years.

The majority of those new positions will serve customers directly, as part of our efforts to insource and bring all former Time Warner Cable call center jobs back to the U.S.

Behind the Scenes of the New Call Center

Anabel Chavez, Vice President of the new Spectrum call center, tours our first Spanish-language facility in McAllen, Texas.

The new McAllen call center will serve Spectrum TV™, Spectrum Internet™ and Spectrum Voice™ customers.

The 600-seat office was built in a remodeled, 95,000-square-foot former retail store.

"It's going to strengthen our economy. It's going to give back to our community and give jobs to a lot of Texans here," said Anabel Chavez, Vice President of the new Spectrum call center. "I think we can all agree that community starts with good paying jobs."

Chavez, who was born and raised in McAllen, said locals have been learning about the new call center from word of mouth and are excited for great paying jobs with benefits like healthcare, 401(k) and discounted and complimentary Spectrum services.

The Importance of a Spanish-Language Call Center

 The new call center in McAllen, Texas is on the southern tip of our 41-state service footprint.

Charter serves customers in 41 states, and a large population of Spanish-speaking customers. In McAllen alone, nearly 80 percent of residents speak Spanish and are bilingual.

Spectrum now features more than 75 Hispanic and Spanish-language channels covering news, live sports, education and entertainment programming.

"We are excited to be able to give our customers the choice of a Spanish-speaking customer service representative," said Chavez.

Bringing Jobs Back to the U.S.

 “It’s a kind of privilege to be able to handle that first call,” said Chavez.

The McAllen call center marks the beginning of an important investment in our American workforce. Currently more than 90 percent of our Spanish-language customer service calls are outsourced.

"We will return all of the former Time Warner Cable call center jobs back to the U.S," said Charter CEO Tom Rutledge. "We'll also continue to grow our company and provide superior service as we have done at Charter."

Apply for a Job Now

Chavez walking in McAllen, Texas. “We're very excited that Spectrum has decided to bring jobs back here from overseas,” said Chavez.

Recruiting for new positions at the McAllen call center is currently underway. If you're interested in applying for a job, visit this site where you can learn more about the openings in this call center and other new Spectrum jobs around the country.

Watch the video above to tour the new McAllen, Texas call center, and click here to read this story in Spanish.