CorporateJuly 21, 2017

Charter to Provide Career Training at Fort Bragg for Service Members Transitioning to Civilian Life

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Col. Kyle A. Reed was on hand to help announce Fort Bragg's new initiative.

Larry D. Hall, Secretary for the North Carolina Department of Military & Veterans Affairs, and Col. Kyle Reed.

Fort Bragg has announced that Charter will be among the participating companies in a new one-of-a-kind Career Resource Center opening on the Army base in North Carolina. Transitioning service members at Fort Bragg will get a unique opportunity to prepare for a new career before leaving the base.

The Career Resource Center will provide training for jobs within Charter and six other companies who conduct training at Fort Bragg or in the surrounding area. The new center will help further accelerate our hiring of veterans, offering a place to screen, interview and onboard talented, transitioning service members.

Charter plans to field its first training class of Spectrum Field Technicians at the Career Resource Center at Fort Bragg in September.

“As a veteran that successfully transitioned from activity duty, I know first-hand that finding employment is a significant issue facing transitioning service members – and Charter is doing its part to help,” said Darrel Hegar, Carolinas Region Vice President of Field Operations, who is an Air Force veteran.

Training Facility Delivers Path to Success for Veterans Working at Charter 

Charter employees pose at Fort Bragg's new Career Resource Center

Charter employees Jose Delgado, Darrell Mellon, Steve Petty and Justin McCarthy helped celebrate the opening of Fort Bragg’s new Career Resource Center.

Charter has long believed that service members and veterans, as a group, are a perfect fit for the craftsmanship mindset that drives the company. Many Spectrum employees with military experience are best-in-class when it comes to professionalism, attention to detail, punctuality, resourcefulness, communication, accountability and more.

Fabian Luna is a veteran who successfully completed the recently expanded Broadband Technician Apprenticeship Program at Charter. He’s now a Field Tech Supervisor, and believes having a training facility on Fort Bragg will be a big benefit for transitioning service members and Charter.

“You are getting classroom training, hands-on participation, you are interacting with the teachers, the trainers, your mentors out in the field,” said Luna. “It’s got a great community feel to it where everyone is helping you be an expert at your position.”

Luna is now among those providing guidance to technicians within the Broadband Technician Apprenticeship Program and Jermaine Jackson, Field Technician IV, is among those benefitting.

“There is definitely a confidence in any tech once he or she completes the program,” said Jackson. “You have all the knowledge, all the tools that you need and you have all the lifelines so to speak. You have your teammates, you have the people you went to class with, you have your mentors. You are definitely able to jump right into a team to perform and be productive and successful.”

New Career Resource Center to Aid Transitioning Active Duty at a Challenging Time

Fort Bragg's William McMillian imparts his wisdom

Fort Bragg Transition Services Manager William McMillian (standing) helps explain the importance of the Career Resource Center for transitioning soldiers.

The resource center is the newest addition at Fort Bragg to the U.S. Army’s Solider for Life Transition Assistance Program, and Career Skills Training Program.

William McMillan, Fort Bragg Transition Services Manager, says the two most challenging times in the military are entry and exit.

“The Fort Bragg Career Resource Center will be an employment, skills-focused facility that will provide the transitioners with employer specific education, training, certification, and required information to bridge from military to a civilian career of choice,” said McMillan. “The concept of ‘Hire – Train – Employ’ will serve as a win-win for the employers, the service members, veterans, spouses and the military. The goal of the Army is to take care of ‘Soldiers for Life.’”

Service members will be able to use the Career Resource Center as a way to connect and establish relationships with employers prior to departing military service.

For more information, visit Fort Bragg’s website here. For general information on Spectrum’s Veteran and Military Hiring, visit our Careers website here