Press ReleaseOctober 13, 2016

Charter Sponsors National Urban League Conference

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Charter was a proud supporter of the 106th National Urban League (NUL) Conference at the Baltimore Convention Center.The NUL is a historic civil rights organization and nearly ten thousand people attended this year's event. It included workshops, panel discussions, networking events and career fairs. Among the attendees were National Action Network Founder and President Reverend Al Sharpton and Virginia Sen. -and Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate- Tim Kaine, along with small and large business owners, students, job seekers, authors, artists and entertainers.

Charter Is a Longtime Supporter of the National Urban League

An image of C. Howie Hodges, Charter's Vice President of External Affairs, speaking at the National Urban League Conference
C. Howie Hodges, Charter Communications Vice President of External Affairs, speaks at the National Urban League Conference.

Charter Communications has been a longtime supporter of the NUL and has worked closely with the organization in the interest of promoting diversity. According to Charter Vice President of External Affairs, C. Howie Hodges, “We’re proud to support organizations that have a track record of working in communities. At Charter we have a history of partnership and engagement. Our support of NUL and others demonstrates our commitment to being a part of the communities where we work, serve and live.”

Recruiting Is Key at National Urban League Conference

An image of Marc Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, speaking at their annual conference.
Marc Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, speaks at their annual conference.

The theme of this year’s conference was “Save Our Cities: Education, Jobs & Justice." According to the President and CEO of the National Urban League Marc Morial, “We came to Baltimore with a challenge, but so far so good ... I’ve been a prime pusher within the civil rights community, within the public policy community, around the leveraging of our influence to enhance and promote and push diversity."

At the conference customers also learned about what's new at Charter and the value of our products and services. There was an an opportunity to recruit from a large pool of ambitious and bright talent. It was win-win all around.